Posted on behalf of Justin Singer, ICS Ph.D. Student:

On Wednesday, September 20th at 10 AM in CO 270 in the Residence Commons, as part of Evidence for Democracy’s Science Literacy Week, I will be hosting a Naylor Report 101. This event will be focused on the recently released Naylor Report, (available at which examines the decline of Canada’s research competitiveness as well as deficiencies in the funding allocated to scientific research, and makes recommendations for measures to be taken to address these concerns. The primary objective of the Naylor Report 101 event is to educate members of the academic community on how best to encourage the federal government to carry out the suggestions of the Naylor report and make the advancement of scientific research, particularly for pure science, a legislative priority.

The Honourable Elizabeth May, the leader of the federal Green Party, will be giving an address at this event, along with Prof. Paul Dufour, Board Member of the Science and Policy Exchange and Fellow and Adjunct Professor with the Institute for Science, Society and Policy at the University of Ottawa, and Prof. Jim Davies, Associate Professor at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University and Director of the Science of Imagination Laboratory.

More information about Evidence for Democracy is available here: