Canadian HR Reporter published a piece highlighting the collaboration between Dr. Raj Singh’s lab and PaymentEvolution, a Toronto-based company focused on payroll, payments, and HR.

The innovations produced through the partnership have been generously funded by grants from OCI and MITACS, and many DCS students have worked together with developers at PaymentEvolution to build digital assistants that leverage state-of-the-art results in the cognitive sciences to help Canadian small businesses comply with employment standards legislation.

The team has created a first-of-its-kind AI-powered compliance assistant that “knows” the laws and uses data from company databases to figure out correct payments for employee events like offboarding, holidays, and vacations, and when it’s done its calculations it produces a natural language report in plain English outlining not just what was paid but also how the payment is rationalized by the laws.

This report can assist all parties in case of disputes or audits. This is cognitive science in action — we are applying our understanding of cognition to help Canadian workplaces remain compliant with labour laws!