4th year undergraduate student Taran Allan-McKay began working on this Journal over the past year and it’s now published!

“I came up with the idea for the Carleton Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science (CUJCS) after learning about the amount of work undergraduate CogSci students produce that doesn’t have a home. Undergrad student research is worthy of praise and sharing but, until now, there hasn’t an avenue for students to publish if their work is not at the level required of academic journals such as topiCS.”

“Another motivator was the notion I felt, and constantly heard resonating in the student body, that the first 2-3 years of the undergrad CogSci degree feels like you’re just trying to figure out what on earth CogSci really is and what people are doing in CogSci. I had the idea to address both of these problems by creating a collection of undergrad CogSci work at Carleton where students would have a place to publish so that upper years could share work they’re proud of while getting experience with peer review and the publishing process. This would also allow new and prospective students to read actual current work CogSci students are producing rather than reading about what’s being done hypothetically.”

“After pitching the idea to the department in the spring of 2023, work on the first volume officially started in Fall of that same year. We just published our first volume and are currently looking for volunteers interested in working on the second volume set to start in October, with an April 2024 publication goal.”

Congratulations on your first volume!

Students interested in volunteering should email cujcs.carleton@gmail.com