Date: 18-Oct-2023 @03:00PM -04:00PM

Location: Online & DT 2203

Title: “Forty years of research on numerical cognition: Summing it up”.

Speaker: Jo-Anne LeFevre

Abstract: In July, I was the recipient of the Donald O. Hebb award for “significant contributions to the study of Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive science” in Canada.  Accordingly, I had the opportunity to discuss my research and other scholarly activities in a presentation to the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science. In this talk, I will repeat that presentation, slightly modified, covering the highlights of my research, supervision, and service activities in relation to the evolution of cognitive science in Canada.

Speaker’s Bio: Jo-Anne LeFevre, Ph.D. is Chancellor’s Professor of Cognitive Science and Psychology, and the Chair of the Department of Cognitive Science at Carleton University. She has conducted research on mathematical cognition of children and adults for over 40 years. Her work is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She collaborates with researchers in Northern Ireland, Chile, Italy, and Canada. She is the primary investigator on a SSHRC-funded partnership grant, Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics, that is dedicated to enhancing partnerships between researchers and educators.


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