Nicolas Turcas (President) 

Nicolas is A PhD student. His research interests are in cognitive modeling, imagination and mental simulation, artificial intelligence, data science, false memories, non-believed memories, future thought, and the philosophy of mind.

Landon Liu (Vice-president)

Landon is a master’s student at the Department of Cognitive Science. Their research interests include belief formation, cognitive linguistics, social networks, and applied econometrics. They make time to enjoy weightlifting, running, and playing dodgeball. They are looking forward to a challenging but fun academic year.

Brendan Conway-Smith (GSA Councillor)

Brendan is a PhD candidate at the Department of Cognitive Science at Carleton. He is a GSA councilor and teacher of undergraduate cognitive science.

Akshaya Kirithy Baskar – (GSA Councillor)

Akshaya Kirithy Baskar, a graduate student pursuing degree in Cognitive Science. She go multidisciplinary experience, which has made her survive in a diverse environment. As GSA – Councillor for the CGSA, she is dedicated to serve communication between GSA and the department executive committee. In addition to her role in the CGSA, She has a strong background in quality management and communication affairs. She has extensive experience with both corporate and startup companies. In addition, she is an active blogger, and art lover.

Isil Sanusoglu – (Treasurer)

Isil is a Masters student at the Department of Cognitive Science. She is also a teaching assistant at the Department of Psychology. Her research interests include cognitive modeling, philosophy of mind, decision-making and imagination.