CTPL: A Strategic Trade Policy and Trade Negotiations Practice
For 35+ years, the Ottawa-based Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL) has been helping governments and their stakeholders achieve their international trade policy and law objectives. From this experience, we’ve developed an internationally-recognized expertise in skills development-based training on trade policy, trade law and trade negotiation issues.
We design and deliver courses based on the practical experience of trade professionals from the 20+ countries from all regions of the world in which CTPL has worked. CTPL’s experiential approach to course design and delivery includes practical tips, checklists and decision-making tools to improve participants’ on-the-job performance as a trade negotiator and trade policy and law analyst. We use simulation exercises based on real-life examples to apply what is learned and to provide participants an opportunity to practice in a safe environment. Our in-house staff and network of trade professionals from around the world provide team coaching and individual mentoring to reduce further the timeline from junior trade professional to senior decision-maker.
CTPL is a training unit of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University. NPSIA is Canada’s leading graduate program in international affairs with 3000+ alumni and 60+ years of experience teaching future leaders in government, international organizations, and the non-profit and private sectors.