Cassandra Douglas began her studies at Carleton in the journalism program. In June 2006, she graduated with her BA Honours in French. One of the program requirements in journalism stipulated students must take one French course.

“I was immediately drawn to the French department’s warmth and charm. It was a small department where everyone took the time to chat with you and cared enough to remember your name – the 16th floor of Dunton Tower felt like home,” said Douglas.

After completing her first year, she decided to switch programs to a BA in French. While she explored linguistics, translation and literature, she discovered a love of teaching French as a second language. Her decision paid off when she was hired by the department as a teaching assistant after completing her first year.

Douglas will continue her studies this fall at the University of Ottawa. Through the university’s education program, she will focus on teaching high school French and history. While she doesn’t rule out an MA she suspects her enthusiasm for a classroom of her own will make further studies a longer-term goal.