
By Nicole Findlay

Random objects – a pair of scissors, a tin can, a cell phone, a plastic Buddha, and a spatula are juxtaposed with the perennial Carleton query “what is a Gee Gee?” on a work in progress currently underway at CUAG.

The objects are all nailed to a sheet of plywood in the gallery’s display case in the lobby of St. Patrick’s building.

At first glance, the objects that comprise Painting Ritual are jarring for their lack of outward coherence. However the piece underscores a philosophy of what constitutes art.

“It’s about bringing art into people’s everyday lives,” says Molly Sigalet, art history student and lead organizer of Painting Ritual. “It’s fun, it makes you laugh and gets everyone involved.”

“There is also the ritualistic aspect of creating the piece,” adds Sandra Dyck, curator, CUAG.

Painting Ritual, honours a work of the same name by Japanese artist Sadaharu Horio. Based in Kobe, Japan, Horio began work on his piece, which is located outside his house, in 1985. Every day, Horio adds another object or paints the artwork a different colour.

The 15 student curators are participants of Ming Tiampo’s fourth and fifth-year seminar Resounding Spirit. Painting Ritual is one work in a full exhibit that showcases the Japanese Art from the 1960s, including works by the Gutai movement. Under Tiampo’s direction, the students organized the Ottawa leg of the touring exhibition from the Gibson Gallery, in Potsdam, New York. The CUAG exhibit, which includes approximately 50 works created in the 1950s to 1970s by 45 Japanese artists.

The exhibit Resounding Spirit challenges the accepted Western history of 20th-century art, presenting modern Japanese art as an innovative and independent force that included international collaboration,” said Ming Tiampo, professor, SSAC.

Painting Ritual will be modified daily. If you’d like to contribute or paint the objects email

The installation is located in the display case located in the tunnel-level lobby of St. Patrick’s building.

Resounding Spirit opened Monday, February 5, 2007 at CUAG. On Saturday, March 10 CUAG and Tiampo’s students have planned a day of performance art. Among the participants highlighted is the original creator of Painting Ritual – Sadaharu Horio.