By Lori Tarbett

“I wasn’t involved in any activities in high school and I always regretted it.”

Those are the sentiments of third year history student, Jane Thwaits. Thwaits says, “That’s why I made an extra effort when I came to Carleton to become involved and make the most out of my university experience.”

And make the most she has. Since beginning university in 2007, she has become involved in many activities including the Peer Helper program in the First Year Experience Office where she is helping plan next year’s summer orientation program with student development officer, Jeremy Brzozowski. “I had such a great experience going to Summer Orientation and with the FYEO, that I wanted to help new students coming to Carleton have as good an experience as I had,” explains Thwaits.

University classes aren’t the only classrooms you’ll find Thwaits in. Last year, she volunteered in grade two and three classes at Parkwood Hills Public School where she helped the teacher run the class, graded spelling tests and did one-on-one reading with the children. “I felt really good about volunteering because I felt that both the students and the teacher appreciated my help,” says Thwaits. “My favourite part was doing individual reading because I felt that that was where I was most effective.”

Thwaits will continue to volunteer in the public school system this year in Merivale High School where she’ll help with the credit recovery program.