After an eleven-year hiatus residents of Buffalo are able to enjoy opera once again thanks to talented musicians like music graduate Nadia Petrella who recently graced the stage of the Riviera Theater.

The twenty-four-year-old sang the leading female role in Barber of Seville by Gioachino Rossini and performed along with internationally recognized singers such as John Packard (Figaro) and Valerian Ruminski (Don Basilio), both having sung in leading opera houses around the world.

Barber of Seville is a co-production between Nickel City Opera and Ottawa Pocket Opera. Petrella already took on the lead role of this production this past fall when Ottawa Pocket Opera brought it to life. Since then both Opera companies have been in collaboration and decided that Petrella would be a natural choice for the show designed to help resurrect Buffalo Opera.

Petrella graduated from Carleton’s music program in February 2008 and speaks fondly of her time in the unit: “I found the faculty exceptionally supportive of me.  I’ve often felt like Carleton was like a family. Very encouraging, and the faculty believed in me.

“Never have I encountered such support in an academic setting. It really means a lot to me,” says the singer.

Petrella performed the role of Rosina on Friday, June 26 and Sunday, June 28, 2009.