On Thursday, Mar. 5 Alternative Spring Break participants will be on hand in the Unicentre Atrium from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. to present their photo gallery from Cuernavaca, Mexico. The collection is comprised of pictures taken during the weeklong trip in February and will be available for sale as a fundraiser for next year’s program. Participants will also be available to speak about their community service experiences building houses, participating in workshops and interacting with local community residents.

The Alternate Spring Break program is run by the Student Experience Office. Each year up to 25 students leave Ottawa for one week over Spring Break to serve a community and learn from its residents in an effort to bridge the social realities with their learned experience at University. The program centres around issues of poverty, feminism, social justice and politics and is open to all undergraduate students. Applications are traditionally due in late September / early October.
For more information, please visit http://www.carleton.ca/csl/asb/index.html or contact Joe Lipsett at extension 4480 or joe_lipsett@carleton.ca


