Matt Prowse

Matt Prowse

Matt Prowse has spent his undergrad years working to improve his fellow students’ experience at Carleton. This year, he’s decided to put his money where his mouth is – literally. Prowse has donated $1000 of his hard earned cash to be awarded to another undergraduate student as part of theInnovative Idea Essay Competition. 

“At its core, the essay competition represents a financial incentive for students to take an active role in improving the Carleton environment that they engage in everyday of their post-secondary careers,” said Prowse, who will complete his BA Honours in History this year.

The essay competition provides students with an opportunity to present an original idea in a four to five page essay for how they would improve the Carleton University student experience.  The suggestions can be broad or specific, but they must be unique and practical. The student who submits the winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of $1000.

“The money seemed an adequate amount that would not only inspire those to enter with vigor and excitement but also an award large enough to ensure a high number of quality responses,” said Prowse. “Everyone sees those awards where they expect far more, for far less, and I just didn’t want that.

Prowse worked hard to earn enough the money he has donated.  In addition to his studies, he is also a reservist of the Canadian Forces, a research assistant at Agriculture Canada, and works as a CU Host for the Student Experience Office (SEO).

His idea for the competition came out of his earlier work as an SEO peer helper.  The first of his family to go to university, Prowse believes in the importance of providing opportunities to others.  He is literally “paying it forward.”

For more information including the complete criteria and deadlines for the Innovative Idea Essay Competition visit