By Nicole Findlay

Imagine combining the musical stylings of Wilco, Radiohead, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen, and you have just imagined the sound of Kalle Mattson.

Out of Sault Ste. Marie, Kalle Mattson is the musical embodiment of Kalle Wainio and three band mates who released their first record Whisper Bee in 2009. That album was twice nominated for the Northern Ontario Music Award.

Recently relocated to Ottawa, the band is back with their second album Anchors.  Wainio, a third-year music student, and his band mates spent their summer break last year in the studio recording with Howie Beck.

“I write every song in the band, although there are sometimes co-writes, and am the primary singer,” said Wainio. “The words and majority of the music are written by me beforehand and brought to the band, and then it becomes a whole new thing.”

If pressed for one genre as a primary influence, Wainio says it would be folk music, although as the band works though each song other sounds reminiscent of indi-rock and country emerge.

While there isn’t a direct connection between Kalle Mattson and Wainio’s music studies, his compositions are impacted as he acquires more knowledge and a greater appreciation for different styles of music.

“The Carleton music program has created an extremely supportive environment where all things Kalle Mattson are encouraged, I don’t think you’ll be able to find that commitment to all genres of music in any other university program.”

Once he completed his BMusic, Wainio plans to make the band a full-time priority.  In the interim, fans can download singles at