Carleton University has 29 specialists working within 14 different disciplines who focus on Latin America and the Caribbean region. For the first time, Carleton will offer classes that reflect this focus.

Starting this fall, the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies will offer Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies I and II. These first-year introductory courses will provide students with a broad overview of the region from an interdisciplinary approach and be a springboard for those who want to study Latin America and the Caribbean.

Carleton’s expertise on Latin America and the Caribbean will also be highlighted in the third annual Capital Region Latin American and Caribbean Studies Conference to be held April 15 and 16, 2011. The conference will bring together Carleton specialists with local scholars and diplomats and features keynote addresses by Timothy Anna, distinguished emeritus professor at the University of Manitoba, and Professor Arturo Escobar, Kenan distinguished professor at UNC-Chapel Hill.