The Faculty of Public Affairs congratulates Carleton University’s law team for its outstanding performance at the 7th Annual Osgoode Cup, a moot court competition held at York University on March 12 and 13.

Sponsored by the Carleton University Legal Studies Society (CULSS), Carleton’s team included Michael De Luca, Shelbi Dippold, Evan Hamilton, Devin Harm, Christina Hebert, Shanelle Manhue, Laura Mcintosh, Sinini Sibanda, Tanya Treciokas, Erik Vallillee, Layla Warsame, and Sarah Willis, all enrolled in the Carleton’s Law program.

Comprising two students each, the teams competed in the largest Osgoode Cup in history, which included 46 other teams from universities across Canada.

The De Luca-Hamilton and the Vallillee-Harm teams advanced to the eighth round. They were ultimately defeated by the eventual Cup winners and runners up from the Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.  De Luca and Vallillee were named among the top ten distinguished oralists.