Dear Friends and Affiliates of the Carleton University Disability Research Group,

We hope everyone is managing well during these hard and unpredictable times.

The CUDRG is pleased to announce an invitation for you all to three events sponsored by our research group this Fall. Please disseminate the publicity in your networks and consider attending.

15 October: 9:00 – 11:00 (Wednesday) :

A transnational panel on “Disability Histories and Futures of the Nation” as part of the “Disability Futurity” virtual seminar series with Liverpool Hope. Registration and poster here: ( )

23 October : 11:30 – 12:30 (Friday)

On the Cutting Edge: Disabled Canadians and Rights Acquisition”with Nancy Hansen, as part of the Shannon Lectures in History. Registration and details here:

12 November: 9:30 – 11:00

Spectral Risk and the Future of Disability.” Last lecture of the Disability Futurity Series.  Registration information TBA, on the series website:

In return, the CUDRG would would be glad to receive your news, and for any amendment to the information about your institution and people listed on our website: We hope that you are all still happy to continue our affiliation.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

James Rudberg