Emmy Williams, 2023 – Public History, on disability, co-supervision with Sawn Graham (2023 -).
Devin Pradash, 2023 – “Disabled or Dis-abled: An Analysis of Refugee Camps Proposal Draft” , Migration & Diaspora Studies (co-supervision)
Marvin Phung, 2023 – “Constructing Canadian Multiculturalism through the Annual Reports on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, 1988-2022” – co-supervisions with Laura Madokoro.
Malinda Pich, 2022 – Refugees from Cambodia to Canada – co-supervision with Laura Madokoro.
Anna-Karina Tabuñar, 2022 – Emerging Disabilities and the Evolution of the Ottawa’s Long COVID Rehabilitation Pilot Project – with specialisation in Disability Studies
Najeebah Ahmed, (2020 abandoned) – An Investigation Into Future Imaginaries Of Jugaad As A Design Practice In Bangladesh – co-supervision with Chiara Del Gaudio Industrial Design
Madeleine McDougall, 2019 – Historical context surrounding the life masks collected by Capt. George Comer.
Noémie Charest-Bourdon, 2022 – La Loi québécoise de l’assistance publique, entre 1921 et la fin des années 60, History, UQAM, co-supervision with Martin Petitclerc.
Stephen Osei-Owusu, 2020 – Humanitarianism and Mining in Colonial Gold Coast – co-supervision with Candace Sobers.
Helen Kennedy, 2018 – Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention and the Relationship between Military and Humanitarian Assistance in Bosnia, 1992-1995 – co-supervision with Candace Sobers. Helen coordinates a MITACS funded project which explores “how micro-histories of individual organizations can be used to address global humanitarian challenges and effectively contribute to the future of humanitarian networks”, working with WUSC, MCoS, the Disability Network of the Centre for Lebanon Studies, and LAWG; she described it in this blog for the CNHH, in April 2020: Announcing MITACS Accelerate Project.
Suki Lee, 2014 – Women, mental health, artistic expression and confinement in late 19th century Montreal.
PhD Thesis Committee
Amie Wright, 2023 – , “When Canada Campaigned Against Comic Books: Censorship, Child Health, and Citizenship in the Postwar Period (1945-1970)”. Co-supervisors Jim Off and John Walsh.
Sarah Hart, 2022 – Canadian Soldiers’ Photographs of the Korean War, 1950-1954. Supervisor, Jim Opp.
Rachel McNally, 2021 – Resettlement Politics to Policy Design: The Historical Evolution of Canada’s Policies on the Resettlement of Refugees with Disabilities and Medical Conditions. Supervisor James Milner, Political Science.
Carole Therrien, 2020 – Disaster, Humanitarian Aid, and Businesswomen in Saint-Martin/Sint Maarten, Co-supervisors Danielle Di Novelli-Lang, and Blair Rutherford, Anthropology.
Federica De Sisto, 2019 – History of African Refugees in Italy and Gender. Supervisor Shireen Hassim.
Publications by Former Students
Karly Hurlock 2017, Canadian humanitarian aid to India, research essay, co-supervision with Norman Hillmer.
Martha Attridge-Bufton, 2014, “Solidarity by Association: The Unionization of Faculty, Librarians and Support Staff of Carleton University (1973-1976).” See Martha’s 3 minutes thesis which won 1st place at Carleton, March 2013.
Winner of the Eugene Forsey Award for the 2014 Eugene A. Forsey Prize for graduate work on Canadian labour and working-class history. Martha published her results on the unionization of librarians in “A “Honey” of a Union Deal: Gender and Status in the Labour Action of Carleton University Librarians, 1973 – 1975”, in Mary Kandiuk, Jennifer Dekker, and ProQuest (Firm), In solidarity: Academic librarian labour activism and union participation in Canada, Sacramento, CA: 2014, Library Juice Press, pp. 63-79.
Sarah Doersken, (co-supervision with Roy Hanes), 2014 “The Concept of Schizophrenia in Ottawa: Perspectives of Psychiatry, the Public, and Patients 1883-2013”
Robin Long (in collaboration with André Loiselle, Film Studies), 2012 ”A Study on the Historical Memory of the Province of Québec as Presented in the Film: 15 février 1839″, research essay.
Nicole Sedgwick, 2010 “More Than Ever Now Our Minds Require Defences”: The Educational System in Ontario during the Second World War”, research essay.
Daryle Pearl-Mcdowell, 2010, “Ottawa’s Magdalen Asylum: A Place for Penitent Prostitutes, 1866-1892”, research essay.
Michael Di Francesco, 2010, “We walked around with holes in our sole and souls” : men and masculinity during the great depression in Canada”.
Andrew Densted (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer), 2008, ”Canadian schools history textbooks and definitions of Canadian identity during the Cold War“, research essay.
Jessica Haynes, 2007, “The Legacy of Scientific Motherhood: Doctors and Child-Rearing Advice in the 1960s and 1970s in English Canada” See also Jessica’s article in Histoire Sociale/Social History of 2013.
David Banoub, 2007, ”Liberalism, Quebec’s political culture, and George-Étienne Cartier, 1864-1871”
Michael M. Dufresne (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer), 1996, ”‘Let’s Not Be Cremated Equal’: The Combined Universities Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament, 1959-1967,” research essay. Published in M. Athena Palaeologu, ed., The Sixties in Canada: A Turbulent and Creative Decade, Montreal, Black Rose, 2009, pp. 9-64.
Connie Landry, 1994, ”Mothers Allowances in Nova Scotia”, research essay.
Katie Morrell (co-supervision with Norman Hillmer), 2007, “Passive, not active: the response of Prince Edward Island to the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989-1991”
Sandy Barron, 2021, “Deaf Education, the Politics of Humanitarianism, and State Formation in Saskatchewan and Alberta, 1880-1931“, Co-Supervision with Kristin Snoddon, Toronto Metropolitan University. Blog on Indigenous education, 2020: “Pity and Destiny: An Indigenous Student at the Manitoba School for the Deaf, 1904-1916“; Sandy won the Vanier SSHRC fellowship in 2017. See Carleton Graduate news HERE. To read his article in Manitoba History, 2015, “‘An Excuse for Being So Bold:’ D. W. McDermid and the Early Development of the Manitoba School for the Deaf, 1888-1900” click HERE. And “The World is Wide Enough for Us Both”: The Manitoba School for the Deaf at the Onset of the Oralist Age, 1889-1920”, Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6, 1(2017), click HERE.
Andriata Chironda, “Narrators, Navigators and Negotiators : Foreign Service Officer Life Stories from Canada’s Africa Refugee Resettlement Program, 1970 to 1990,” Co-Supervision with James Milner, Political Sciences (2019)
David Tough, 2013 ,
”The Rhetoric of Dominion Income Taxation and the Modern Political Imaginary in Canada, 1910-1945.” See David’s two articles on the history of taxation: ‘The rich . . . should give to such anextent that it will hurt’: ‘Conscription of Wealth’ and Political Modernism in the Parliamentary Debate on the 1917 Income War Tax, Canadian Historical Review, 93, 3 (Sept. 2012) and “Broadening the Political Constituency of Tax Reform: The Visual Rhetoric of Canadian Taxation, 1979–81,” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes, 46, 1 (Winter 2012) Read the account of David’s talk on the years of parliament at the Museum of Nature in February 2016, inThe Globe and Mail. David’s book will be published in the spring of 2018.
Jessica Haynes, 2012 ”The Great Emancipator? The Impact of the Birth-Control Pill on Married Women in English Canada, 1960-1980” Here is an article on Jessica’s work in international development after her PhD.
Will Tait, 2011 – “Canadian Christian Missionary Influences on Secular Non-Governmental Agencies, 1945-1990”. Will organized a panel on humanitarian aid at the Canadian Historical Association Meeting in 2012. He uses a transnational approach, featured on the University website in 2012. See the 2013 article from his MA at St Mary’s on the Canadian United Church in interwar Colonial Korea here. For Will’s joint blog with C. Chrisholm, on MSF James Orbinsky, click HERE. Course work completed without thesis.
Jessica Squires, 2009 “A refuge from militarism? : the Canadian movement to support Vietnam era American war resisters, and government responses, 1965-1973” Jessica’s book is Building Sanctuary (2013). Listen to Jessica speak about her book, October 2013, Historical Society of Ottawa and Active History Read Jessica’s blog of July 2014, in active History HERE In February 2107 Jessica became Program Officer at the International Council of Archives in Paris, on leave from her employment at Library and Archives Canada.
David Hood, 2008 “The homeless and reformers: negotiating progress in the upper streets of Halifax, 1890-1914”David’s book is Down but not Out.
Emily Arrowsmith, 2006 “Fair Enough? How Notions of Race, Gender, and Soldiers’ Rights Affected Dependents’ Allowances Policies Towards Canadian Aboriginal Families During World War II”
Louis-Raphaël Pelletier, 2005 “Revolutionising Landscapes: Hydroelectricity and the Heavy Industrialisation of Society and Environment in the Comté de Beauharnois, 1927-1948”
Post PhD
Katherine Rossy, Children of the Holocaust, SSHRC, Co-supervision with Jennifer Evans (2019 – 2022).
Jill Campbell-Miller, Canadian engineers and Indigenous Peoples at home and abroad, SSHRC (2018 – 2021).
Beth Robertson, IDRC, Gender and Technology, Co-supervised with Bjarki Hallgrimsson, School of Design Engineering, (2020).
Karine Hébert, “Student Identities in Montreal, SSHRC (2002-2003)
Louise Bienvenue, “The Catholic Youth Movement in Quebec, 1930-1960”, SSHRC (2000-2001)
Shirley Tillotson, “Trade Unions and Local Charities in Post-War Canada”, SSHRC (1992-1993)
PhD thesis committees
Katherine Viscardis, Canadian Studies, 2021. “THE HISTORY AND LEGACY OF THE “ORILLIA ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS:” CHILDREN’S EXPERIENCES OF INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE”, Supervisor Janet Miron, Trent, Canadian Studies.
Christine Chisholm, 2019, “Life After the Scandal : Thalidomide, Family, and Rehabilitation in Modern Canada, 1958-1990,” Under the supervision of Susanne Klausen. For her blog on this topic, published in Active History, click HERE. Her article on “The Curious Case of Thalidomide and the Absent Eugenic Clause in Canada’s Amended Abortion Law of 1969” was published in the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History in September 2016.HERE.
Andrea Carrion (Geography) 2011 – 2016, “The spatial restructuring of resource regulation. The gold mining enclave of Zaruma and Portovelo, Ecuador, 1860-1980“. Andrea was the CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Prize 2017 Winner . For an exhibition on the old pictures she found, click HERE.
“Installation del aqua potable – Calle San Francisco, “
Edward (Ted) McCoy (Trent, Canadian Studies), 2012, “The Rise of the Modern Canadian Penitentiary, 1835-1900”. Ted’s book Hard Time, is available as a free PDF.
Marie-Luise Ermish, Ph.D., History, McGill, Children Within British International Development Initiatives – 1959-1979, Supervisor Elizabeth Elbourne, 2014
James Onusko, (Trent, Canadian Studies), 2014. “Growing Up in Postwar Suburbia: Childhood, Children and Adolescents in Canada, 1950-1970”Read James blog HERE.
David Banoub, Ph.D., History, Patronage in 19th century Canada, Supervisor John Walsh, 2013.
Ana Fonseca, Ph.D., History, Patronage in Colonial Latin America, Supervisor Sonya Lipsett-Reivera, 2011
MA thesis committee
Hollis Pierce, MA, History, University and Disability, Supervisor Shawn Graham, 2019
David Meinen, (Legal Studies) 2016. “Pacification through humanitarian aid: Examining Canada’s security-development role in Haiti“. See David’s 2014 undergraduate essay on the topic, “Rethinking Humanitarian Aid in Haiti as Pacification“, written in my third year course; and the 2017 blog on the site of the Canadian Network on Humanitarian History on “The Future (for) Climate Refugees: NGOs, Security, and the Politics of Containment“, the topic of his doctoral work at the University of Waterloo.
Honours research essays
Malinda Pich, 2020, “Malinda Pich, Oral History of Cambodian Refugees in Ottawa”, Co-supervision with Laura Madokoro (2020)
Oonagh Burns, 2020, “Art Picturing Disability in and after World War One. Uses, Aesthetics and Impacts”.
Kyleigh Gault, 2019, “Teaching Difficult Topics in Ontario high School Curriculum: Lessons Learned from the Outreach Programs of the German T4 Memorial Museums”
Emilie Hill-Smith, 2017, “Comfort While Dying: A Transnational History of Pediatric end of Care”, Child Studies. for a blog on Emily’s conference presentations, click HERE.
Jacob Forrest, 2014 “How Many Houses They Can Afford”: The Politics of the CMHC’s Economic Research, 1934-1953″. Jacob pursued this theme in a MA in Political Economy “A Machine for Governing: Technical Standardization,Mass Housing Provision,and the State in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada” (2016).
Arianna Labocetta, 2013, (co-supervision with Landon Pearson), Children’s Rights in Latin America, Human Rights.
Jessica Hume-Antonopoulos, 2009, Violence, security and women in refugee camps in West Africa, Public Administration.
Anne Martin, 2001, The Orphans of Grosse Isle, Child Studies.