Education City is a unique partnership among the postsecondary institutions in the Ottawa Region and Invest Ottawa.

We are developing a new type of postsecondary education – an education that is flexible, capitalizes on the advantages of college and university education, and is linked to work-place training and on-going skill development.

Imagine…harnessing the power and potential of college and university education.

Imagine…workplace learning with theory to earn a diploma and a degree.

Imagine…seamless laddered education focused on skills development.

Learn more about Education City →

Canada faces an employment challenge

Over the next decade up to 50% of jobs will cease to exist or will change dramatically. Current employees will not have to skills to migrate into new jobs. At the same time, there is a significant under-representation of women, minorities and people with disabilities in the workforce especially in STEM disciplines.

We have a national challenge in re-training our current workforce. But we also have to change the training we provide for the next generation.

How can we create programs and opportunities to train and re-train employees on an on-going basis?

Our solution...

Algonquin College, Carleton University, Collège La Cité and the University of Ottawa will develop programs in both official languages that will change the face of higher education.

The new programs will focus on providing students with the skills to learn (both practice and theory); focus on continuous micro and macro credentialing so they can highlight their skills that are relevant to the workplace; promote job-sustained learning that fosters life-long commitment to continuous skill development and upgrading; and offer laddered qualifications that can be linked to their specific place of work.

Over the next two years...

Over the next two years we will develop programs where students spend two years in college and university then enter employment. They will have the option to learn on the job and take on-line courses specifically linked to their field of study. Completion of these courses or mini-courses will lead to diplomas and degrees and create a life-long commitment for continuous upgrading of skills to ensure people remain job-ready.