By Jamie Mccullough

I have been dusting off board games and old photo albums over the past few weeks. we have cleaned the basement and donated clothes. I am home with my 4 kids while my husband still goes into work. we resorted to cutting our kids hair…I told them not to worry..we won’t see people for a while and their hair will grow back!
I spend my days on my work tasks, my own academic courses as well as the kids schedules.
This is an overwhelming anxiety-ridden time and over the course of the last few weeks I have had all the feels.. sad, worried, scared, tired, and also lonely…but also happy, and joyful to be with the family. I do enjoy being home with the kids and baking and playing with them, skipping rope, hopscotch, basketball…but then I remember why I am home and that sense of fear and sadness creeps in.
I am grateful each morning that we wake up healthy. I long for the days that we can hug our friends. I think of the health care workers and how they manage to get through their days, the cashiers who are still working so we can do our groceries.
What brings me the most anxiety is uncertainty…when will this end? My kids want to know and every day ask when they are going back to school, when they will see their friends, when we can go to Dairy Queen…I think it will be months before life resume to pre-COVID19 if it ever does. We need to learn how to adjust and figure out how to live the safest way to do our part to stop the spread.