By Cesar Cisneros

Pandemic is isolation
Living without permission to enjoy the streets
To be without being
What’s going on outside?
It rains and I can’t enjoy it
Sunny day with no people on the streets

Pandemic is inhumanity
War without a specific enemy
Is an illusion only what I live?

But I’m happy, after all
Well I have life only between four walls with a person I love
Although I can’t go for a walk without permission from the military

Finally living in Chile is like living in dictatorship
A government that murdered young students just a few months ago
A deep popular rebellion was happening in the streets when this virus appeared
And now we can’t go out

But I’m happy in the end
Well I have life only between four walls with a person I love
Although I can’t go for a walk without permission from the military

But … is it only an illusion that I live?
What if it’s a dream and everything remains the same?
Does living in confinement make you happy? What madness…what madness!!
Outside nothing exists
Outside nothing exists

Only inside is life
Between my four walls

Nothing is happening outside
In Chile the pandemic defeated a popular rebellion