• First, you will need SVN software on your computer.  The instructions below assume you have the free software TortoiseSVN; if you have other SVN software installed and are experienced with it, we’ll assume you understand SVN well enough to adapt the following directions to your situation.  Everyone else, please install TortoiseSVN before proceeding, by going to https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html, downloading the installer for your operating system, and following their directions.
  • This assumes that you have already installed Envision and Tortoise SVN on your computer, and kept the default Envision install location of C:\Envision.  If you installed it elsewhere, revise all file locations given below accordingly.
  • In Windows’ File Explorer, navigate to C:\Envision\ and check for a subdirectory called StudyAreas. If it’s not already there, manually create it.
  • In the Windows file Explorer, right-click on the Envision directory, go down to the TortoiseSVN submenu, then choose the “Repo-Browser”, and when it asks for a URL, type in https://envision.bioe.orst.edu:8443/svn/StudyAreas and click OK.
  • In the resulting list of folders, right click on EasternOntario, and select “Checkout”.
  • In the resulting window, make sure the local folder for the checked out files is C:\Envision\StudyAreas\EasternOntario. Leave everything else at the default values. Click OK.

NOTE: in the above instructions, if you are ever asked for a username and password, use guest for the username (unless you have requested a username from the Envision software team), and leave the password blank.

When the resulting download is completely finished, you have the current version of the EasternOntario dataset on your hard drive.

Updates to the dataset

From time to time we will update our dataset to correct found errors, make improvements, add data for new software features, etc.

Anytime you want to update your copy to be in sync with the current repository version, in your Windows File Explorer, right click on C:\Envision\StudyAreas\EasternOntario, then select SVN Update.