The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Relations with Russia and the Eastern Neighbourhood Project will make videos, powerpoint presentations and other forms of media available from hosted events.The European Union support for the production of multi-media output does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Union cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

February 5th, 2018: A special event hosted by the Jean Monnet Chair (EUREAST) featuring a presentation, “EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans: The Rise of Stabilitocracy?” by Professor Florian Bieber. Click here to view the presentation slides.

January 18, 2018: Workshop “The European Union and Russia: Where Now?” A discussion of the current state and future directions for relations between the European Union and Russia in the face of the ongoing Ukraine crisis and sanctions regimes. Click here to view the presentations and Powerpoint slides available for the Welcome and Introduction, Panel 1 presentations by Tom Caiser and Tatiana Romanova, and Panel 2 presentations by Crina Viju, Joan DeBardeleben and Licinia Simao.

February 10, 2017: Policy Workshop “EU Partnership with Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia: Prospects for the Reform and Implementation of the EU Association and Free Trade Agreements” An examination of the status of and revisions to the EU’s Eastern Partnership policy since the Ukraine crisis, with a particular focus on assessing the prospects for implementation of the important association and trade agreements reached in 2014 between the EU and key partners: Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. Click here to view available videos.