In 2015 the Fahrig lab published 12 journal papers – on mammals, birds, spiders, bees, plants, and more. We published on road impacts and mitigation, on farmland heterogeneity, and on forest and wetland loss and fragmentation. We published data papers, modelling papers, meta-analyses, papers on how to design studies, and papers on how to design landscapes.

Just another year in the lab.

For PDFs of the papers, visit the GLEL website. Here are the citations:

Martin, A. and L. Fahrig. Matrix quality and disturbance frequency drive evolution of species behaviour at habitat boundaries. 2015. Ecology and Evolution 5: 5792-5800.

Downing, R.J., T. Rytwinski and L. Fahrig. 2015. Positive effects of roads on small mammals: A test of the predation release hypothesis. Ecological Research 30: 651-662.

Patenaude, T., A. Smith and L. Fahrig. 2015. Disentangling the effects of wetland loss and urban development on the quality of remaining wetlands. Urban Ecosystems 18: 663–684.

Rytwinski, T., van der Ree, R., Cunnington, G.M., Fahrig, L., Findlay, C.S., Houlahan, J., Jaeger, J.A.G., Soanes, K. & van der Grift, E.A. 2015. Experimental study designs to improve the evaluation of road mitigation measures for wildlife. Journal of Environmental Management 154: 48-64.

Duflot, R., S. Aviron, A. Ernoult, L. Fahrig and F. Burel. 2015. Reconsidering the role of ‘semi-natural habitat’ in farmland biodiversity: a case study. Ecological Research 30:75-83.

Jack, J., Rytwinski, T., Fahrig, L. & Francis, C.M. 2015. Influence of traffic mortality on forest bird abundance. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:1507–1529.

Fahrig, L. 2015. Just a hypothesis: a reply to Hanski. Journal of Biogeography 42: 993-994.

Jackson, H.B. and L. Fahrig. 2015. Are ecologists conducting research at the right scale? Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 52-63.

Quesnelle, P, Lindsay K and Fahrig L. 2015. Relative effects of landscape-scale wetland amount and landscape matrix quality on wetland vertebrates: a meta-analysis. Ecological Applications 25: 812-825.

Carrara, E., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Vega-Rivera, J.H., Schondube, J.E., Martins de Freitas, S., & Fahrig, L. 2015. Impact of landscape composition and configuration on forest specialist and generalist bird species in the fragmented Lacandona rainforest, Mexico. Biological Conservation 184: 117-126.

Fahrig, L., J. Girard, D. Duro, J. Pasher, A. Smith, D. King, K. Lindsay, S. Mitchell and L.  Tischendorf. 2015. Farmlands with smaller crop fields have higher within-field biodiversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 200: 219-234.

Gagné, S.A., F. Eigenbrod, D. Bert, G.M. Cunnington, L.T. Olson, A.C. Smith, and L. Fahrig. 2015. Five steps for terrestrial ecological landscape design for biodiversity conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning 136: 13-27.