Calls for Papers: Voice of Social Sciences International Conference

November 7, 2024 — November 8, 2024

Key Contact:Shadrack kibona

Voice of social sciences (VSS) is a biannual international conference that is organised by the College of Social Sciences (CoSS) at the University of Dar es Salaam since 2014.

The aim of VSS2024 is to raise voices of social science scholars in the world to reflect on a myriad of issues pertaining to the continent’s current and future prospect in response to the global uncertainties. The Conference invites scholars, practitioners and students from a wide range of social science disciplines – sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, economics, statistics, geography, environment and related disciplines – to engage and advance social science research.

Africa in the Age of Uncertainties: Risks, Resilience and Future Prospects

In 2024, CoSS will hold the 8th edition of VSS. VSS2024 will reflect on Africa’s place and role in the uncertainties currently facing the world, manifesting in, among other things, global health challenges, climate change, major powers competition and the resulting security challenges as well volatile economic trends.

In particular, we invite paper abstracts, panel proposals and student posters which address at least one of the following sub-themes:

  • Rethinking development in Africa
  • The present and future of democracy in Africa
  • Population and the youth question in Africa
  • Nationalism, identity and the quest for continental unity
  • Peace, security and development
  • Religion,faith, society and development
  • Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing
  • Climate and global dynamics
  • Health and environment
  • AU’s Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Africa and major powers competition
  • Gender and sexuality in Africa
  • Food systems and livelihoods
  • Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Social science research and development in Africa
  • Media, cyberspace and information warfare

Important Dates

  • Submission of abstracts: 7th December 2023 — 29th February 2024
  • Notification of accepted abstracts: 15th March 2024
  • Final date of submission of papers: 30th June 2024
  • Conference dates: 7th – 8th November 2024

Conference email: