Photo of Tiga Alain Ouedraogo

Tiga Alain Ouedraogo

Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Burkina Faso


Tiga Alain Ouedraogo holds the position of senior researcher in sociolinguistics at the Institut des Sciences des Sociétés (INSS) of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) of Burkina Faso. Additionally, he serves as a lecturer at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University. Over the years, he has held various significant roles, including being appointed as the first head of the planning and financial resources mobilization department at the National Fund for Research and Innovation for Development (FONRID), Director General of FONRID, and Technical Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation since June 2021.

Research Focus

His research interests encompass linguistics, sociology, and education, with main topics including national languages, social cohesion, forced migration, protection of children and vulnerable persons, bilingual education, and education in emergency situations. Through his work, he has gained insights into concepts of gender, equity, and inclusion as perceived by beneficiaries and granting institutions.

Professional Contributions

Tiga Alain Ouedraogo has extensive experience collaborating with numerous public research institutes and universities across Burkina Faso, West Africa, Europe, the United States, and Canada through teaching, student mentoring, and collaborative research endeavors. Notably, he has also demonstrated governance skills, serving as President of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Norbert Zongo University of Koudougou-Burkina Faso and as President of the Scientific Committee of the Research, Learning, and Knowledge Dissemination Group on Child Protection (GRAPE). Additionally, he holds membership in the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) and serves as the deputy coordinator of the Coordinating Committee of the Week of African Languages (CCSLA) at the continental level.

He has chaired numerous high-level sessions organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation and has actively participated in various international meetings, such as the Regional Conference organized by the African Union on innovative approaches to funding higher education and research in Africa in Lome, Togo, from November 26-28, 2014, and the Annual Forum on the Science Granting Council Initiative (SGCI) in Côte d’Ivoire from November 5-9, 2018, and in Ghana from March 27-28, 2023. Additionally, he has organized several international conferences and scientific days, developed multiple strategies, and provided training within the framework of competitive projects of FONRID and its bilateral and multilateral partners.

Furthermore, Tiga Alain Ouedraogo is an economist and a member of the West African Society of Chemistry (SOHACHIM). He played a key role in the development and implementation of the PARADE project in partnership with the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and CNRST. Moreover, he coordinated the formulation of the diagnosis, linguistic policy, strategy, and three-year rolling plan for the promotion of national languages in Burkina Faso.

Highlighted Publications

  • Tiga Alain OUEDRAOGO, Issa OUEDRAOGO & Sabine SOME, Langage des enfants en situation de rue : insertion sociale et professionnelle des enfants migrants dans la ville de Ouagadougou. Revue des Sciences Sociales (RSS) du PASRES (Côte d’Ivoire), 8ème Année, Hors-série, numéro 01, d’avril 2023.
  • Tiga Alain OUEDRAOGO & Sabine SOME L’enseignement supérieur et la recherche face aux défis humanitaires au Burkina Faso : quelles réponses pour les étudiants déplacés internes (EDI). DJIBOUL ç Spécial N°09. Janvier 2023. Revue Scientifique des Arts Communication, Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. ISSN 2710-4249, e-ISSN-2789-0031. Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire.
  • Tiga Alain OUEDRAOGO, Wendlamita Charles ILBOUDO Trajectoires linguistiques des migrants internes dans la ville de Ouagadougou. SOUS LA DIRECTION DE Dr Tiga Alain OUEDRAOGO Maître de recherche INSS/CNRST. ACTES DU 1ER COLLOQUE DE LA SEMAINE DES LANGUES AFRICAINES : Leviers pour construire l’Afrique que nous voulons. INSS-CNRST (OUAGADOUGOU), DU 24 AU 28 FÉVRIER 2022. Djiboul ǀ Spécial N°06, Octobre-2022, Revue DJIBOUL Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire. ISSN 2710-4249, e-ISSN-2789-0031. FA C T EUR D’ IMPA C T / IMPA C T FA C TOR Évaluat ion SJ IF 202 1 : 3 , 505 2020 : 3 , 574 202 2 : 4.906 8 15 SJ IFac tor . com.
  • S. S. L. SOME, T. A. OUEDRAOGO, T. KOUROUMA, S. OUEDRAOGO, Orpaillage au Burkina Faso : de l’eldorado au sacrifice de l’avenir des enfants. Rev. Sc. Env. Univ., Lomé (Togo), 2022, n° 19 ISSN 1812-1403. UNIVERSITE DE LOME SCIENCES DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT. PRESSES DE L’UL Dix-neuvième Numéro Lomé, Décembre 2022.
  • Tiga Alain OUEDRAOGO & Sien So Sabine Léa SOME, Le gouvernement du Burkina Faso face aux défis humanitaires : quelle réponse pour les personnes déplacées Internes et leurs hôtes vulnérables ? Akofena, revue scientifique des Sciences du Langage, Lettres, Langues & Communication Éditeur : L3DL-CI, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire. ISSN-L (imprimé) 2706 – 6312, septembre 2021. E-ISSN (en ligne) 2708 – 0633; D.O.I :
  • Tiga Alain OUÉDRAOGO, Issa OUÉDRAOGO, Analyse morphologique et sémantique du langage des enfants issus de l’exode rural, Revue des Sciences Sociales (RSS) du PASRES (Côte d’Ivoire), 8ème Année, numéro 28 de juillet-septembre 2020.

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