Photo of Mary Setrana Boatemaa

Mary Setrana Boatemaa

University of Ghana, Ghana


Mary B. Setrana serves as the Director of the Centre for Migration Studies at the University of Ghana, located in Accra. She is the West Africa Chair on Forced Displacement, which is funded by IDRC, and is a distinguished member of the 12 Chairs on forced displacement globally. Additionally, Professor Mary B. Setrana is actively engaged in numerous migration governance advisory groups and networks. Notably, she has provided technical guidance to the African Union Commission on matters related to migration governance. Furthermore, she holds advisory roles at esteemed institutions such as the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence on Migration & Mobility and the Centre for Forced Displacement at Boston University.

Professor Setrana’s research interests are diverse, encompassing migration and gender, migration governance and policy development, forced displacement, and return migration and reintegration. She plays a pivotal role as either the lead or co-researcher in several ongoing research projects, including the Migration Decisions and the COVID-19 Pandemic project, the GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality, and Development Hub, the Migration and Social Transformation project, the Culture for Sustainable and Inclusive Peace Project, and the Crises as Opportunities project. Currently, she is spearheading the evaluation of the African Union Migration Policy Framework among member states and Regional Economic Communities (RECs), underscoring her dedication to advancing migration policy and practice in Africa and beyond.

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