Please fill out the form below to place boxed meal orders for your FIRST Robotics Competition team at Carleton University’s 2020 District Event. Orders may be placed for Saturday, March 14 (lunch/dinner) and Sunday, March 15 (lunch only).

All boxed meal options for this event are available at a specialized rate sponsored by University Services ($5.00 off each regularly priced boxed meal – reflected in pricing below).

You will be contacted by phone by Carleton Dining Services to process your payment via Credit Card during the week of March 2.

All orders MUST be received by Sunday, March 1 at 11:59PM. Late orders will not be accepted.

If you have any questions regarding the menu items, dietary restrictions, special requests, or accommodations, please contact Carleton Dining Services at 613-520-2600 ext. 5618 or by email:

Boxed Meal Orders are no longer being accepted. Please visit the Team Resources page for more information on Where to Eat on-campus during the Carleton University FRC District Event.