Three Carleton professors have ranked in the top 40 of political science and law researchers in Canada out of a pool of more than 3,000 academics assembled by The company ranks researchers based on the h-index, publications, and citation values. The data is gathered through Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph.

The Faculty of Public and Global Affairs professors include:

James Meadowcroft, is in both the Department of Political Science and School of Public Policy and Administration. He is a research director for the Transition Accelerator, which aims to use societal disruptions to solve business and social challenges while building towards a net-zero future. He is most often published in the fields of sustainable development, politics, and corporate governance.

William Walters, is in the Department of Political Science and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He is currently working on a “SSHRC-funded collaborative study of air deportation which focuses on the role of civil aviation in the forced removals of illegalized or criminalized people in and from Europe.” He is most often published in the fields of politics, law, and political economy.

Graeme Auld is in the School of Public Policy and Administration. He studies the rise and implications of private regulation in areas such as fair trade. He is a co-lead on a project to “establish Canada’s first high-powered computing lab focused on the study of De-centred Governance in the Digital Age.”

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