Paloma Raggo

Prof. Paloma Raggo is leading the Charity Insights Canada Project.

Faculty of Public and Global Affairs researchers were awarded $16.2 million by government agencies and the nonprofit sector in 2022. That success greatly contributed to Carleton’s overall research growth of 12.7% over the previous year. Carleton was ranked second among comprehensive universities in Canada by Re$earch Infosource, an independent research and consulting firm.

Faculty of Public and Global Affairs research awards in 2022 included:

Charity Insights Canada Project—Projet Canada Perspectives des Organismes de Bienfaisance (CICP-PCPOB), a $3.4 million from the Muttart Foundation based in Alberta, the Lawson Foundation and the Metcalf Foundation both in Ontario, and the Vancouver Foundation in British Columbia.

TRIA-FOR: Transformative Risk Assessment and Forest Resilience Using Genomic Tools for the Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak, a $6.4 million project from Genome Canada, in collaboration with Carleton scientists.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants, Partnership Development Grants, Partnership Engage Grants, Insight Development Grants, Connection GrantsKnowledge Synthesis Grants, Aid to Scholarly Journal Grants.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 in , ,
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