Shelley was awarded funding from the Re-entry Coalition of New Jersey, valued at $60,000. Well done, Shelley! Check out the details of Shelley’s project below:

Title: Exploring the Impact of Gender Responsive Intervention in Community-Based Re-entry Settings

About the Research: Professor Brown has recently partnered with Dr. Marilyn Van Dieten, Director, National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women to conduct preliminary evaluations of two community-based re-entry facilities in a north eastern state. The re-entry facilities serve as transition facilities for women who are released from prison but are not yet eligible for parole. Each re-entry facility provides assessment, treatment, and employment opportunities designed to reduce reoffending and promote public safety. We will explore questions such as: Are the women are being referred to the appropriate programs? Are the women demonstrating positive growth as a function of program participation? Do strengths influence the extent to which the women are being placed in the right programs? Is program intensity being matched to risk level?