Honouring Dr. Ralph Serin

Dr. Ralph Serin was a devoted family man, caring friend, generous mentor, and prolific researcher. His research focussed on evidence-based decision-making within corrections (e.g., parole decision-making), though he has also published in the areas of crime desistance, treatment readiness and responsivity, risk assessment, psychopathy, sexual offenders, and the assessment and treatment of violent offenders. Dr Serin’s contributions have been invaluable to the field of forensic psychology. In Canada alone, Dr. Serin and his lab have conducted research in partnership with the Parole Board of Canada, Correctional Service Canada, Canada Border Services Agency, and various provincial parole agencies. This research has led to significant improvements in policy and practice around the globe. Dr. Serin’s models of correctional decision-making and risk assessment have been adopted by correctional and community supervision organizations in Canada and internationally, including in Australia, France, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United States. To honour the legacy of Dr. Serin’s work, as well as his contributions to the Forensic Psychology Research Centre, Carleton University, and the field of corrections research, we are pleased to offer the Ralph Serin Student Travel Grant.


The Forensic Psychology Research Centre (FPRC) is committed to promoting the training and development of early-career researchers. The FPRC is pleased to offer the Ralph Serin Student Travel Grant (STG) intended to support forensic psychology graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Carleton University with sharing and presenting their research. The STG has been established to support exceptional and innovative graduate and postdoctoral research in forensic psychology here at Carleton.

The STG is intended to support graduate and postdoctoral students with presentation costs (i.e., registration and travel costs for a conference). With conferences held year-round, the STG has several application cycles/competitions (see page 2). Please be sure to apply for the appropriate cycle. For example, if you are attending a conference in July, you would apply for the Summer cycle (which covers costs incurred from May 1st to August 31st).

Please note, the STG does not cover the student’s personal time spent on the project, thus direct payment to the grant recipient is not an allowable expense. A full budget breakdown is required to be submitted as part of the application. Successful applicants are required to provide receipts to receive reimbursement, a progress report on their research to the FPRC, and, if applicable, a short summary of their findings for publication in the FPRC Newsletter upon completion of the project.


The maximum award for conference costs is $500. Funds will be processed through Carleton University via reimbursement of receipts rather than directly provided to the student.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant must be enrolled full-time or be a postdoctoral fellow at Carleton University.
  • Applicant must be a member of the FPRC or belong to a laboratory under one of the eight forensic faculty members (this includes direct or co-supervision).
  • Applicant may be in any year of their graduate program (MA or PhD) or Postdoc.
  • Applications must pertain to research in forensic psychology; however, subdisciplines are not specified.
  • Only 2 applications are permitted per lab per cycle. Speak to your supervisor regarding award nominations.
  • Applications must be signed by the applicant’s graduate supervisor. If you are being co-supervised, the primary co-supervisor will suffice. Failure to submit a signed Supervisor Declaration (Form B) will result in immediate disqualification.

Application checklist

  •   Completed Grant Application (Form A).
  •   Completed Supervisor Declaration (Form B).
  •   Transcript from Carleton (unofficial is permitted) to verify full-time enrollment (not required for postdoctoral fellows).
  •   Proof of conference acceptance (e.g., email confirmation saved as a PDF).
  •   Academic CV.

Submission date and method:

Summer 2024 cycle: Applications are due 11:59 PM EST on May 1, 2024.

Fall 2024 cycle: Applications are due 11:59 PM EST on September 1, 2024.

Winter 2025 cycle: Applications are due 11:59 PM EST on January 1, 2025.

All applications are to be in the form of one single PDF document sent to FPRC@cunet.carleton.ca. Ensure the document is named in the format firstname-lastname-CUID

(e.g., Jane-Doe-100100100) and the subject line of the email reads “Student Travel Grant Application”. Late applications, regardless of the reason, will not be accepted.

To download a copy of the application form, click here: Forensic Psychology Research Centre – Student Travel Grant (2024-25) – Instructions and Application Form