Photo of Ellen Coady

Ellen Coady

M.A. Student

Degrees:M.A. Forensic Psychology (Carleton), B.Sc. Honours Psychology (Carleton)

Research Interests: Ellen is primarily interested in equity, diversity, and inclusion-focused projects in forensic psychology. She is also interested in gender-informed program evaluations and initiatives evaluating the empirical basis for legal policies. Her Honours thesis evaluated the implementation of the need principle (via gender-neutral and gender-responsive need-to-service matching) in a women’s residential re-entry center in the United States.

In her M.A. thesis, she will be modelling developmental trajectories of offending over the lifespan and whether diagnoses of psychiatric illness, access to juvenile mental health care, and social support predict a youth’s ability to de-escalate their level of criminal conduct over their lifespan. Additionally, she will examine how these trajectories and their associated predictors vary as a function of an individual’s gender, race, and a combined gender/race variable.

Future Goals: Ellen is looking forward to obtaining more applied experience in the field of forensic psychology. Additionally, she plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental forensic psychology, with a continued focus on the relationship between gender and crime. Ellen also looks forward to incorporating teaching into her future work.