Meet Professor Jay Drydyk for a thought-provoking discussion on Dams, Displacement & Development Ethics.

When: October 7, 2019 at 12pm to 1pm

Where: MacKenzie Building, Rm 3444

Discussion Overview: Large dams almost inevitably displace communities and force them to resettle elsewhere. Forced resettlement can be enormously harmful; one commentator has compared its impacts with natural disasters. This raises the question: what are people entitled to, when they are displaced by development projects such as large dams? Development ethics makes two contributions towards answering this question. First, it identifies several values that distinguish good development from bad development. Second, it identifies four specific moral entitlements that should be protected for the ‘oustees’.

Speaker Bio: Jay Drydyk is Professor of Philosophy at Carleton University, where he is Director of the Ethics and Public Affairs graduate programs. He is co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics and co-author of Displacement by Development: Ethics, Rights and Responsibilities (Cambridge University Press, 2011). He has served previously (2006-2011) as President of the International Development Ethics Association and currently as a Fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association.