Date and time: February 10th, 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Title: Leveraging research experience in water and wastewater sector

Speaker: Christine Gan, Research head (EIT), Bishop Water

Location: ME (Mackenzie) 3328, Carleton University


How do you transition from academia to industry with research experience is often a challenging question for students to answer. Having limited relevant real-world job experience, makes it difficult for many to land the first step into the industry. When you start working, you soon realize that there is a huge knowledge gap between academia and industry. This leads to a very steep learning curve for new graduates! This talk will tackle the main challenges faced by new graduates during transition into the industry, how to overcome them and advice on how to plan for career searching. Whilst keeping an open mind about the opportunities that come your way and using your research experience to gain an added advantage.

Speaker Bio:

Christine Gan is working at Bishop Water Technologies as a research head, Engineer Intern (EIT). She has a BSc. in Biochemistry and a M.A.Sc in Chemical/Environmental Engineering, specializing in biological wastewater treatment. She loves volunteering her time for the community and has volunteered at CWN-SYP, engineers without borders and Queen’s experimental sustainability team among others. At Bishop Water, she heads the R&D team for the BioCord Reactor and also works in the project design / management team of the company. She enjoys research and puts continuous efforts to help the environment.