Photo of Bernadette Conant

Bernadette Conant

Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Water Network, Waterloo, Ontario.

Degrees:MSc in Hydrogeology from the University of Waterloo
Phone:519-888-4567 ext. 36171

Bernadette Conant is the Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Water Network and a trusted broker of water knowledge. Together with her team, she works to improve the application of water research to decisions for water management. Five years ago, she founded the Canadian Municipal Water Consortium, whose members collaborate on critical water, wastewater and stormwater challenges. The Consortium includes leaders from progressive municipalities, as well as industry and academic partners.

Bernadette serves as a director on the boards of the Global Water Research Coalition, Hydrogeologists without Borders and the Water Economics, Policy and Governance Network. She is also a member of the Water Partner Advisory Committee to the Water Stewardship Council of the Council of the Federation.

This professional summary was obtained directly from the Canadian Water Network staff page. Click here to visit their website.