All students complete a total of 5.0 credits, with 2.5 credits devoted to a thesis and 2.5 credits to the coursework:

Mandatory courses for all HCI students:

HCIN 5100/ PSYC 5105 (0.5 credit): Fundamentals of HCI design and evaluation

A survey of strategies and practices in HCI design and evaluation. Students will learn to perform studies in user interface analysis and design, to read the research literature critically, distill important points from readings, summarize, and write papers as well as design user interfaces and present their written and oral work.

HCIN 5200 (0.5 credit): Software and User Interface Development

Design and development of user interfaces for software systems based on principles for supporting user interaction, with emphasis on frameworks, tools, and processes for user interface development.

HCIN 5300 (0.5 credit): Emerging Interaction Techniques

Advanced interaction styles and their associated technologies. Topics may include handheld and gestural interactions, ubiquitous computing, deformable user interfaces, physiological computing, and tangible user interfaces.

Research skills courses: One (0.5 credit) course is mandatory and chosen on the advice of the thesis supervisor.

HCIN 5400/CGSC 5101: Experimental Methods and Statistics (0.5 credit)

An introduction to the design of experiments and the statistics needed to interpret data in cognitive science

HCIN 5404/IDES 5102: Design Research Methods (0.5 credit)

Critical analysis of research methods in design and disciplines contributing to design including anthropology, psychology, sociology, and business. Application areas include advanced materials and manufacturing processes, advanced visualization, product interaction design, extreme environments, sustainable design, design and culture, design management, and human-oriented design.

Elective (0.5 credit):

This is a list of the most common courses HCI students have taken as electives.

Any graduate course is possible but should be chosen in consultation with the thesis supervisor. Depending on the course and unit, registration may also require the permission of the instructor.

Cognitive Science

  • CGSC 5001 Cognition and Artificial Cognitive Systems
  • CGSC 5003 Cognition and Language
  • CGSC 5004 Cognition and Conceptual Issues
  • CGSC 5907 Independent Research

Computer Science

  • COMP 5110 Computer Security and Usability
  • COMP 5209 Visual Analytics

Communication and Media Studies

  • COMS 5225 Critical Data Studies


  • ENGL 5402 Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature


  • GEOG 5003 Critical Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry
  • GEOG 5400 Territory and Territoriality
  • GEOG 5804 Geographic Information Systems

Human-Computer Interaction

  • HCIN 5501 Virtual and Augmented Reality Tech
  • HCIN 5900 Directed Studies

Industrial Design

  • IDES 5102 Design Research Methods
  • IDES 5103 Interdisciplinary Design Development Studio
  • IDES 5104 Accessibility and Inclusive Design
  • IDES 5500 Special Topics in Industrial Design

Information Technology

  • ITEC 5203 Game Design and Development Technologies


  • MUSI 5008 Technologies of Music
  • MUSI 5900 Directed Readings and Research


  • PSYC 5011 Social Psychology I
  • PSYC 5414 Structural Equation Modeling
  • PSYC 5500 Developmental Psychology Methodology
  • PSYC 6104 Seminar in University Teaching

Systems and Computer Engineering 

  • BIOM 5403 Advanced Topics (Data Visualization – May or may not be offered each year)
  • SYSC 5409 Interactive Media and Digital Art
  • SYSC 5807 Human-centric privacy and security

University of Ottawa

  • EXUO 5909 University of Ottawa Course


HCIN 5909 Thesis in Human-Computer Interaction (2.5 credits)