Carleton University has launched a Canada-India centre of excellence. The inter-disciplinary centre will look at science, technology, trade and policy and is, according to Carleton, unique in the country.

“We’ve been working on this for a year,” said university president Roseann O’Reilly Runte, who noted that representatives from the Indian High Commission, federal government and private sector officials were all involved in the launch of the centre.

“Carleton’s been cooperating with universities in India for 40 years.”

Runte said the idea fit with the university’s strategic plan, which ensures it has a global identity. The establishment of a centre ensures there will be annual conferences as well as more research exchanges between Carleton and schools in India.

“Canada and India have a lot in common,” Runte told the Citizen. “We have a similar heritage, a strong interest in education, a commitment to the environment and to using technology to solve problems. We both have large neighbours and more than one language — although India has many more than Canada.”