September 2011

Professor Fraser Taylor’s work with colleagues from India in the area of geomatics has led to the articulation of a new MOU to be signed this fall.

Professor Anil Maheshwari’s successful application to DFAIT has brought two postdoctoral students from India to work with him in the area of computing science.

The Surabhi Foundation for Research & Cultural Exchange interviewed and videoed the Carleton President as part of a series of ten films on Indian Diaspora including one focused on Indian Diaspora in Canada.

Professor Jay Drydyk was invited to New Delhi this fall to collaborate on a project at Delhi University.

Professor Sukeshi Kamra is working with the Deputy High Commission of India to bring a series of writers from India to campus this fall.

Board members Mr. Barj Dhahan and Mr. Sarup Mann established contact in India with several institutions in the Punjab.

Centre Board member Mr. Lajpat Prasher and founding member Mr. Ravi Subramanian will be meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi regarding Centre business. Mr. Prasher and Mr. Subramanian also have a meeting in the second week of September with Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia, a highly influential cabinet minister in the Punjab.

Successful Innovation and Education Summits were held in June and reports are available on the website at The next conference will be held in New Delhi on November 2-3 in collaboration with FICCI and the High Commission of Canada in India.

Carleton’s 2010 enrolment of new and returning students hailing from India has increased by 6.2% over 2009 and has increased 22% since 2003.

The following persons became founding members of the Centre Board:

  • Narinder Chauhan, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of India
  • Barj S. Dhahan, CEO, Sandhurst Holdings, Vancouver (pictured, at left)
  • Nishith Goel, CEO, Cistel Technology, Ottawa
  • Sudhir Handa, Founder & CEO, Proflange Ltd., Toronto (pictured, at right)
  • Sushil Handa, Partner, Consultation Inforgenie, Montreal
  • Dr. Pradeep Merchant, Site Chief, Neonatology Division, The Ottawa Hospital (pictured, centre)
  • Sarup Mann, President, Ansatel Communications, Vancouver
  • Kim Matheson, Vice-President, Research and International, Carleton University
  • Andre Plourde, Dean, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University
  • Lajpat Rai Prasher, President and CEO, Tortel Communications, Toronto
  • Roseann O’Reilly Runte, President and Vice-Chancellor, Carleton University (ex officio)

Message from the President

Multidimensional and multidisciplinary, our Centre is moving forward in many areas and establishing exchanges, collaborative research projects with universities in Canada and India, as well as important linkages with businesses working in both nations. The work of the Centre this past year has been impressive. Two major, bi-lateral summits have made strong contributions to our knowledge of each other, strengthened our networks and ties, and offered positive steps to building an international climate of innovation and to encouraging the exchange of students, faculty members, and researchers. Important visits of educational, political and business leaders, cultural figures, and researchers have facilitated the elaboration of a number of unique exchange programs which build on the strengths of each institution.

The Centre’s Board held its first meeting on August 15 and reviewed activities to date, settled on priorities, a schedule for future meetings and began plans to invite a major speaker in the spring.

At the ceremonial event on August 15, donors to the Centre (pictured at right) were recognized and those present, along with the Board members, enjoyed a tour of the soon-to-be opened facility. While hard hats were still required, the walls have been installed and await drywall, taping and painting.

As contractors diligently employ their skills to complete the building, researchers are working to bring solutions to matters of international importance. By sharing expertise from Canada and India we will not only improve the lives and livelihoods of people in Canada and India but we will, together, reach out to develop new markets, creating economic gains for both nations.

We have, across Canada, been treated this year to a series of events under the banner of the Year of India in Canada. They have been organized by the High Commissioner and the Deputy High Commissioner to whom we owe a special vote of gratitude for their leadership, indefatigable efforts and organizational skills in putting together such a rich feast of culture and ideas. Canadians have had the privilege of enjoying excellent, unforgettable performances and of understanding aspects of the multifaceted and diverse cultures of India.

I am grateful to all those who have donated their time, their expertise and their talents to making it possible for the Centre to bring the Indian community across Canada together in our nation’s capital in this outstanding endeavour. Together we will build a solid foundation for understanding and innovative, entrepreneurial adventures.

Roseann O’Reilly Runte