Photo of Barbara Dumont-Hill

Barbara Dumont-Hill

First Nation

Barbara Dumont-Hill, a First Nation Algonquin, was born on the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Reserve and has resided in her traditional territory ever since. She is Turtle Clan and has served as a grandmother with the 2015 Walking With Our Sisters memorial installation in Ottawa.

She has worked with the RCMP, Carleton University and Algonquin College, and she advises the Canadian Department of Justice legal team working with the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Dumont-Hill is intent on educating Canadians about Indigenous history as a way to promote reconciliation by providing teachings and prayers and by facilitating Kairos Blanket exercises. She continues to deepen her culture by studying her language, drumming, and singing songs that honour her ancestors.

“Today can be the best day of your life, or today can be the worst day,” says Dumont-Hill. “It is entirely up to you.”
