Dr. Jennifer Hyndman
Dr. Jennifer Hyndman is Professor at the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change and Associate Vice-President of Research at York University in Toronto. Her research spans the violence of war zones (in Sri Lanka and Somalia) to the management of refugee camps (in Kenya) and resettlement in Canada for those displaced from their homes abroad (such as the Kosovars). Her current research (with B. Bragg) examines the newest round of ‘ruralization’ or regionalization, whereby resettled refugees are destined to small Canadian towns, an effort by governments that also shaped the Kosovar experience after 1999. Hyndman’s most recent book is Refugees in Extended Exile: Living on the Edge, with Wenona Giles (Routledge, 2017). She is author of Dual Disasters: Humanitarian Aid after the 2004 Tsunami (2011), Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism (2000), and co-editor with W. Giles of, Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones (2004).