Photo of Kaltrina Dragoshi

Kaltrina Dragoshi

Kaltrina Dragoshi is a Public Servant with the Government of Canada and a Chartered Professional Accountant, holding a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting from Saint Mary’s University. In 1999, she arrived in Canada as a 3-year-old refugee through Operation Parasol. Her family spent three weeks in a Macedonian refugee camp before being resettled at a Canadian Forces Base in Nova Scotia and eventually making their home in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Although Kaltrina was young, her upbringing as a refugee profoundly shaped her identity. She initially struggled to reconcile her Albanian heritage with life in Canada but grew to embrace her roots and now takes pride in her culture. Kaltrina is passionate about preserving Kosovar history while remaining grateful for the opportunities Canada has afforded her and her family.

Kaltrina brings a unique perspective as a younger refugee who has had to navigate the complexities of dual identities. She recognized both the privileges and challenges young refugees face. She also provides insights into the experiences of refugees resettled in Atlantic Canada.