Jeanette WilsonJeanette is a leader with nearly 20 years of excellence in the nonprofit world. After 10 years in a corporate environment, she stumbled into a new career beginning as a volunteer and soon after, discovered her passion for connecting donors to meaningful causes. She’s enjoyed development roles in the education and healthcare sectors, and is currently the Director of Donor Relations at a private university in Hamilton, Ontario.

A lifelong learner, Jeanette explores her passion through various educational and volunteer opportunities. She achieved her Certified Fund Raising Executive designation and has been part of Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Congress committees.

Jeanette is a wife and mother of three grown children and is thrilled to be taking her Master’s degree journey alongside her daughter at Carleton. She enjoys cooking for others in the community and is refining her golf game with professional lessons.

Jeanette feels the MPNL program is the next step in her philanthropic journey. She looks forward to exploring different perspectives in the ever-changing landscape of nonprofit leadership.

Monday, July 18, 2022 in
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