Anna_HamiltonAnna graduated from Mount Allison University with a BA in Political Science and Art History and a minor in Museum and Curatorial Studies. Her undergraduate research consisted of two projects: Assessing Cultural Accessibility in the Maritimes, which sought to measure barriers to cultural accessibility for those with disabilities; and Accessibility and the Curatorial, which addressed the impact of accessibility in art galleries through partnership with artists and curators with disabilities.

Anna has gained experience in Indigenous law and culture while working on a conference for the anniversary of the R. v. Marshall decisions, and certificate programs through the CBA and University of Alberta. Anna believes that tackling issues from different perspectives will lead us to a kinder, more compassionate and just world.

Her academic and personal pursuits as an artist have led her down a path which intersects multiple disciplines. Anna is passionate about lifelong learning in various capacities and was fortunate to travel to the UK for an international exchange program.

Anna calls the Maritimes home and looks forward to engaging in the MPNL program while abroad. In her spare time, she can be found painting, cooking, doing yoga, and spending time outdoors.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 in
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