Meghan Maack A proud Carleton alumna, Meghan Maack graduated with a BA in Canadian Studies in 1995. Fast forward to 2023 and you can find her back on Carleton’s campus as a member of the university’s advancement team. Meghan is a Senior Development Officer, with a focus on working with supporters to establish legacy gifts in wills.

Before joining the planned giving team at Carleton, Meghan worked as a front-line fundraiser in small, medium and large not-for-profit organizations in the Ottawa area. Her career began with event planning and peer-to-peer fundraising, but after receiving her CFRE accreditation in 2021, Meghan shifted her focus to major and planned giving. Meghan has raised funds for a variety of causes, including disability rights, social services, international development, and health care. Meghan loves working with individual donors, hearing their stories, and uncovering their connection to cause.

Meghan also volunteers with ABLE2, a local organization that focuses on supporting people who live with disabilities, and is co-chair of the fundraising and awareness committee. Meghan is also an active CAGP and AFP member, attending national conferences and mentoring new fundraising professionals.

An active adventure traveller and a person who loves the outdoors, Meghan enjoys biking, hiking and canoeing with her circle of friends, family and loyal dog, Olive.

Monday, August 14, 2023 in
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