As Graham Thomas was working on his Master’s in Neurosciences at McGill, he realized that although he loved the research and experimentation, he found it made no sense to spend his life fuelling his own curiosity while civilization continued to fuel itself with planet-warming energy sources. So, he hung up his pipettes and turned his attention to the energy transition.

Graham went on to work for solar energy and energy-efficiency project developers in Ontario, and achieved tangible impact in reducing emissions in his community, while gaining valuable business development and project-management experience along the way.

More recently, he’s had the privilege of acting as an advisor to a philanthropist, with whom he explored impactful interventions for climate and nature. He saw the crucial role of philanthropic funders with the organizations, projects and movements their money supports.

He joins the MPNL program in 2024 with a desire to expand his knowledge of the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors and to develop his impact strategies, with the ultimate goal of helping other donors maximize the potential good their funds can create.

Graham lives in Ottawa, on unceded Anishinabe Algonquin territory, with his partner and two boys in their almost entirely fossil fuel-free home.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024 in
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