Ponja Online Bibliography /
Tiampo and Munroe, Gutai: Splendid Playground
Tiampo, Gutai
Tiampo, “The Contents of ‘Emptiness’: Yamazaki Tsuruko’s Gutai Years”
Tiampo, “Gutai since 1954”
Tiampo, “Shiraga’s International Art of a New Era”
Tiampo, “‘Not Just Beauty, But Something Horrible’ Kazuo Shiraga and Matsuri Festivals”
Tiampo, “Suiju”
Tiampo, Under Each Other’s Spell: Gutai and New York
Tiampo, Gutai: Splendid Playground
Tiampo, New Makers of Modern Culture
Tiampo, “Moments of Destruction, Moments of Beauty: Gutai and Japanese Matsuri Festivals”
Tiampo, “Breaking Open the Object: Gutai 1954–1972”