PhD Position Available

I am actively looking for a talented, highly-motivated student to work on a project related to data privacy in large language models (LLMs), starting in Fall 2024.


If you have the following requirements, please contact me:

    • You have a good background in machine learning, and data privacy and security
    • You are very good at programming and coding
    • You have publications in relevant leading peer-reviewed conferences and/or journals

In your email, please include:

  • Your CV
  • Statement of Interest detailing your relevant projects, background, and experience

In order to be eligible for a position, you must ensure that you meet Minimum Requirements for Graduate Studies at Carleton University. If you’re an international applicant, make sure you also meet English as a Second Language Requirements.

Information on the application process for graduate studies at Carleton University can be found here:

Information on internal and external financial assistance opportunities can be found here: