Conference and Other Speaking Events

E. Holmes, G. Hilkes, and S. Baskurt are presenting a talk on the nonconsensual sharing of sexual materials sent through sext at ATSA 2023. Find the slides here.

K. Babchishin is presenting with L. M. Helmus a talk on What risk assessment tools are appropriate with men convicted of Child Sexual Exploitation Materials (CSEM) Offence for the SAARNA group. Find the slides here: Babchishin Helmus CSEM SAARNA 2024-01-18 talk.


Fall 2023:

  1. PSYC3402 (Criminal Behaviour)
  2. PSYC 4400 (Advanced Topics in Forensic Psychology: Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders)

Winter 2024

  1. PSYC3400 (Forensic Psychology)
  2. PSYC3402 (Criminal Behaviour)