This form is for part or full time undergraduate or graduate students seeking to opt-out of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Carleton student fee. This form will be active:

  • September 4 – September 30, 2024 (for the Fall term)
  • January 6 – January 31, 2025 (for the Winter term)

*Students who choose to opt-out will be opt-out for both Fall/Winter

To learn more about OPIRG:

OPIRG Carleton is your center for research, education and action for justice! Since 1980, we have been a student-led non-profit based at Carleton that serves as a non-hierarchical and consensus based space for students to organize.

OPIRG Fee Structure 2024/25

  • Undergraduate Full Time: $9.06 (per academic year)
  • Undergraduate Part Time: $1.81 (per full credit course)
  • Graduate Full Time: $4.44 (per term)
  • Graduate Part Time: 30% of full time fee (per term)