Related publications to the TDKRA Project:

Peer-reviewed Articles  

  • Nguyen, X. T., & Stienstra, D. (2021). Engaging girls and women with disabilities in the global South: Beyond cultural and geopolitical generalizations. Disability and the Global South, 8(2), 2035-2052.
  • Nguyen, X. T., Dang, T. L., & Mitchell, C. (2021). How can girls with disabilities become activists in their own lives? Creating opportunity for policy dialogues through knowledge mobilization spaces. Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity, DOI:
  • Nguyen, X. T. (2020). Whose research is it? Reflection on participatory research with women and girls with disabilities in the global South. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, 12(2), pp. 129-153. 
  • Nguyen, X. T., Stienstra, D., Gonick, M., Do, H., & Huynh, N. (2019). Unsettling research vs. activism: How might critical disability studies disrupt traditional research boundaries? Disability & Society, 34(7-8), 1042-1061. 
  • Nguyen, X. T. (2018). Critical disability studies at the edge of global development: Why dwneed to engage with Southern theory?. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 7(1), 1-25. 
  • Nguyen, X. T. & Johnson, P. (2017). Transnational conversations in the context of disability rights: Building the potential for global activism. Third World Thematics, 20(20), 1-15. 
  • Nguyen, X. T. (2016). Girls with disabilities in the Global South: Rethinking the politics of engagement, Girlhood Studies9(2), special issue on Disability and Girlhood: Transnational Perspectives, 53-71.  
  • Erevelles, N., & Nguyen, X. T. (2016). Disability, girlhood, and vulnerability in transnational contexts. Girlhood Studies9(2), special issue on Disability and Girlhood: Transnational Perspectives, 3-20. 
  • Nguyen, X. T., Mitchell, C., De Lange, N., & Fritsch, K. (2015). Engaging girls with disabilities in Vietnam: Making their voices count. Disability & Society, special issue on Disability: Who counts? What count?, 30(5), 773-787. 
  • Nguyen, X. T., & Mitchell, C. (2014). Inclusion in Vietnam: An intersectionality perspective on girls with disabilities and education. Childhood21(3), 324-338.    
  • Nguyen, X. T., & Mitchell, C. (2012). On the use of visual methodologies in education policy research. South African Journal of Education, 32(4), 479-493.  


  • Nguyen X. T. (2015). The journey to inclusion. Rotterdam: Sense/Brill Publishers (Studies in Inclusive Education Series STIE, Volume 29)  

Peer-reviewed Book chapter  

  • Stienstra, D., & Nguyen, X. T. (2020). Opening to the Possible: Girls and Women with Disabilities Engaging in Vietnam. In S. M. Wiebe & L. Levac (Eds.), Creating spaces for engagement. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Nguyen, X. T. (2019). Unsettling “inclusion” in the global South: A post-colonial and intersectional approach to disability, gender, and education. In Schuelk, M. J., C. Johnstone, G. Thomas, & A. Artiles (Eds.). Handbook of inclusion and diversity in education (pp. 28-40). London: Sage. 
  • Mitchell, C., De Lange, N., & Nguyen, X. T. (2016). The participation of girls with disabilities in Vietnam in a photovoice project. In J. Coffey, S. Budgeon, & H. Cahill (Eds). Learning bodies – the body in youth and childhood studies. Singapore: Springer. 

Creative productions 

  • Nguyen, X. T., Rahim, N., Miron, A., Dang, T. L., Mitchell, C. (2019). (Eds). Envisioning inclusion: Transforming Disability Knowledge, Research, and Activism. Hanoi: Hong Duc Publishers. Available at 
  • Transforming Disability Knowledge, Research, and Activism (TDKRA). (2019). Our Journey. Available at 
  • De Lange, Nguyen, X. T., Mitchell, C., Nguyen, L.A. (2015). Our voices, our hopes: Girls with disabilities and participatory visual methodologies. Hanoi, Vietnam: MRGD project (book catalogue on the visual work of girls with disabilities in Vietnam). 
  • Mitchell, C., Nguyen, X. T., & Nghiem, T. T. (2015). Picturing inclusion: Voices of girls with disabilities. Hanoi, Vietnam: MRGD project. Available at 


  • Girlhood studies, special issue on Disability and girlhood: Transnational Perspectives (guest editor, 2016). 
  • Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, special issue on Disability and Children’s Rights: Reflecting on the CRC-30 years and beyond (guest editor, 2019).                    

Other publications  

  • Nguyen, X. T. (2019). Using photovoice in a children’s rights class: A pedagogical tool for empowering students. Teaching and Learning Services: Carleton University.  

Forthcoming peer-reviewed publications  

  • Nguyen, X. T., Gonick, M., & Stienstra, D. (forthcoming). Critical arts-based research in the context of social change: Reflecting on possibilities for becoming with women and girls with disabilities in the global South. In Rice, C., & I. Mündel (Eds.). Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Justice. Multimedia book. Revision: Centre for Art and Social Justice.  
  • Nguyen, X. T., Gonick, M., & Tuyen, B. (forthcoming). Rethinking arts-making as political activism: Critical responses to violence from perspectives of girls with disabilities in the global South. Global Studies of Childhood.